Learn to surf and progress quickly in a setting adapted to your level with Ocean Adventure, the only eco-sport tourism platform that provides you with professionals and hand-picked surf, SUP, kitesurf and wingfoil camps. Yoga is also very often proposed and for the most demanding, we propose you personalized stays around the adventure, the nature and the ocean: baptism of diving, horse riding on the beach, mountain biking and bike rides off the beaten track, surfing skate lessons...

Our promise: become a real surfer!

Surfcamps are all the rage. They seduce by their conviviality, their international atmosphere, their proximity to nature and the group emulation of the desire to surpass oneself. In other words, surf camps are a real catalyst of deep emotions, for some it will be a real initiatory experience that will change their life!

Progress while having fun

Whatever your level, from beginners to advanced, we are committed to passing on our knowledge of surfing and its values. The teachers selected by Ocean Adventure are really invested to make you discover their passion and make you progress as much as possible.

Our goal is to get you out of the white waves and into the green waves.

We offer a personalised experience so that all our students have fun in the waves. Our lessons are organised in homogeneous groups, by age and by level. With the right equipment, a great teaching method and a tried and tested method, you will gain in technique, while having fun.

Driven by the love of surfing, our goal is to create a strong and unique experience. Life is a wave, you will learn to ride it!

With our guided surfing packages we take you to some of the locals' favourite spots. The opportunity to surf quality waves and live a privileged moment of surfing!

Searching for balance and surpassing oneself

It is easy to get carried away by the intensity of our daily city activities. Despite our often well-practised rhythm, we can lose touch with what is essential, with our deepest aspirations. To take a break, to let go, to find yourself: what better way than a surf camp to reconnect with nature and your spirit?

Ocean Adventure offers you the opportunity to recharge your batteries in a setting that invites introspection, but also sharing with others. We are guided by common values, which encourage us to surpass ourselves, both physically and mentally. Beyond the performance, it is the experience that counts. In addition to a real surfing technique, you will go home with a new vision of life and a better knowledge of yourself.

Stays made by surfers for surfers!

Our team of experienced surfers know how to find the most experienced and trustworthy local partners. The result is an authentic experience, based on a concept of transparency and respect.


Made by surfers, for surfers !

Nicolas MERCADIEU, The Boss

"I have created the platform to facilitate the meeting of future surfers and kitesurfers with the best teachers!"




"Nicolas is an excellent referrer and sells our surf and kitesurf destination very well".




"I was one of the first to discover the lagoon with my 4x4 almost 20 years ago".



Surf Guide

"It's great to work with like-minded surfers".




"We are the first surf school that opened in Europe, so when Ocean Adventure was launched we wanted to work with them".




"Efficient and diligent, we have worked to improve the ordering and management processes. Everything is running smoothly!".

The Ocean Adventure Team



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A passion for travel...

It was after years of travelling the world that the idea of Ocean Adventure was born. A simple concept, driven by the values of passion and sharing, between human encounters and unforgettable surf sessions. We wish to transmit this philosophy and this art of living to those who decide to trust us.

Surf camps are all the rage. As a result, schools are proliferating. There are more than 55 in Corralejo, on the island of Fuerteventura, and 90 in Taghazout, in Morocco. A proliferation which can sometimes be detrimental to the quality of the service and courses offered. That's why Ocean Adventure does its utmost to select the best surf camps, in order to preserve the essence of the surf spirit and its values.

... a network of enthusiasts!

Quality is our raison d'être. Our aim? To provide good, tailor-made surf lessons and surf camps in modern, affordable accommodation, catering for individuals, couples, families and groups. Ocean Adventure will help you choose from the best surf camps and teachers.

Our commitment to quality is reflected in our selection of environmentally friendly surf camps with an atmosphere that is consistent with our values. This way, you will learn to surf in a friendly and caring way. This is the ideal combination to progress and live a human experience that is as motivating as it is enriching.

A selection of the best surf teachers and camps

With over 20 years of experience, Ocean Adventure's guides are above all passionate surfers. They share their expertise to guide you in your travel plans and surf lessons. It's all about finding the right place for you to learn and progress in the best conditions. Indeed, the waves of the Basque Coast and those of Nazaré in Portugal are not for the same types of surfers!

Teaching surfing: a sacred transmission

Our teachers are pragmatic surfers and teach with the body but also with the mind. Surfing the wave is like surfing life, you have to combine mental strength and flexibility.

"To transmit, more than a course, a state of mind, a way of being".

Surfers say that you have to listen to your shaper like your shaman. It is the same for our students with their teacher: listening attentively is the best way to absorb his experience and his knowledge!

A lot of passion and a good teacher are the necessary ingredients to enter the surfing family. Ulysse Lemoine, a member of our staff, is the proof. He was lucky enough to have an excellent teacher who introduced him to surfing and gave him the desire to discover the world through surfing. He travelled to Australia, Morocco, the Caribbean, etc.

The sensei dimension is based on the sharing of knowledge by a qualified person who is able to guide you on the path of life. And that's good, because a good surf teacher can change your life. In the case of Ulysses, his sensei taught him self-control so that he could then master the waves and the movement.

Beyond a simple surf lesson, our teachers also pass on these values. Among them :

  • Steeve Selly, our teacher at the Labenne surf school, doesn't talk much but shares his passion and talent for backside rollerblading,
  • Max Castillo, surf guide in Arcachon and Nazaré. He was European bodyboarding champion and continues to participate in the Pro Tour.
  • Cédric Grèze, French champion in the 80s. His 13 year old son is the youngest member of the French Bodyboarding Pole!
  • Teiva Joyeux, our surf guide in Fuerteventura, is a pioneer of towed surfing in Tahiti.
  • etc…

Talent AND pedagogy

Passion is not enough to be a good surf teacher. It is a job that cannot be improvised! To show empathy, to transmit a technique, to convey a passion and a state of mind requires a real pedagogy based on a method that has proven itself. The French Surfing Federation is one of the best training centres in the world. The experience and the transmission of its peers is then essential.

For example, in Biarritz, Mathieu Cerramon, our Biarritz Paradise teacher, several times French Master's champion, is the image of what we expect from a real surfing teacher. With a mix of technique, passion and pedagogy, he has been accompanying his students on the beach of Marbella for over 20 years and is a real reference for new teachers.

We can also mention Franck Erhard, former Team Manager of the Roxy team, who welcomes teenagers and adults in our surf camp in Hossegor. Moreover, his son Tim Ehrhard is a real source of inspiration for his students. And for good reason, at only 15 years old, he surfs tubes and big waves like a pro!

Our instructors adapt the right teaching methods to the profile and needs of each student: from the apprentice surfer who is experiencing his or her first wave, to the more experienced surfer who wants to improve his or her technique, speed and curves. Whatever your level, you will end your stay with more confidence and skills.

Adapted surfboards, but also the desire to pass on

Our teachers provide quality material, adapted to the needs of each student. But just as passion is not enough to be a competent teacher, good material is not everything! The desire to transmit is the key. This is what will differentiate surf teachers... from good surf teachers.

With the right equipment, a 130 kg person will be as comfortable surfing as a 7 year old child!

Indeed, it's not just about being present, but above all about knowing how to motivate and accompany the students: getting into the water, being in contact with them, pushing them and coaching them individually so that they give their best. This is what is really expected from a surf teacher and what Ocean Adventure strives to offer to its surfing students.

A good teacher does not show off, he is in the water and pushes you on the waves!

Daily routine & surf spirit

If surfing spirit is omnipresent in the water, it is also at the heart of the management of our camps. And for good reason, our owners are often experienced surfers. They will show you their way of life and share their best advice with you.

Prepare and visualise objectives

Your day's programme includes a frugal breakfast followed by a surf lesson and lunch on the beach. In the afternoon, you have free time to surf as you wish and put into practice what you have learned during the morning. At dinner, we all debrief together on the day's waves, sometimes with video support for personalized feedback. A routine that quickly becomes addictive!

"There is no greater pleasure than surfing and chilling on the beach while waiting to surf again!"

For those who prefer to spend a relaxing afternoon, group activities are available to keep the surfing spirit alive. Yoga classes are held in almost all of our surf camps, usually at the end of the day. This practice is a real asset for surfers, for whom mental and physical preparation is fundamental.

Please note that our camps are not holiday camps or Club Med! It is important to remember that the main goal of our camps is to learn to surf. In order to make your holiday as enjoyable as possible, we provide you with a space to connect and share with other students. You shape your own experience at your own pace, according to your desires and personality. Be yourself and feel free!

Yoga in the Canary Islands, in the heart of a nature reserve

Surf spirit: a physical and holistic approach

This is a very broad concept! Some will say it is a holistic approach based on the physical, emotional and spiritual spheres. Others will just live it.

If we were to define surf spirit in a few words, we would say that it is a philosophy of life synonymous with sharing, mutual aid and humility. It echoes fundamental values for oneself, but also for others, such as perseverance, respect, letting go and communion with nature.

Surfing spirit is also about ensuring safety in the water so that everyone can surf as calmly as possible. In this sense, our teachers guarantee the correct practice of safety rules during the lessons. Respect is also one of the pillars of the surfing spirit: we respect those around us and the locals in particular. This aspect is essential when surfing on new spots, in order to avoid certain accidents or tensions in the water.

Transmission is another facet of surfing spirit and Ocean Adventure teachers share their expertise to help you better understand the ocean. Technical and scientific approaches to waves and tides will allow you to feel more confident about your environment.

Sharing is also about meeting around a fire on the beach. A teacher who tells his most beautiful stories of surfing, as unusual as crunchy. An invitation to immerse yourself in the surfing spirit, the real thing. Anecdotes that turn into real life lessons and an almost mystical experience that leaves its mark on the mind.

Quality labels

Locally owned and managed, our accommodation meets a demanding quality charter. This applies to our facilities, but also to the management of our camps and the selection of our partners. Values based on professionalism, passion and responsible tourism drive the entire Ocean Adventure community.

Ecology and respect for nature

Our objective: to preserve the environment around us and make sustainable development a philosophy of life. These convictions are reflected in the day-to-day management of our camps: from environmental awareness, to water, energy and waste management, to ethical purchasing, we have put in place eco-responsible actions that we guarantee are carried out correctly.

Professional surfer

You don't learn to surf in a wave pool. Nor do you learn to surf with just anyone. With this label, we make a point of honour of the experience of our teachers. Most of them are former professional surfers and are committed to passing on their passion with pedagogy, method and authenticity.

Surf spirit

Despite all the efforts in the world, a surf teacher who does not have a deep connection to the ocean will never be a great mentor. A true sensitivity to the waves, marine animals and the great ocean is intimately linked to teaching surfing. Our instructors vibrate with the water, they live and feel their job intensely.

Work With Local

Many surfcamps are owned by foreign investors. As a result, the capital does not fully benefit the local population. This label echoes our ecotourism approach as well as our values of sharing and respect. It guarantees that 100% of the profits are reinvested in the local economy.

The Best Surf and Kitecamps
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