First platform for the resale of
surfing, kitesurfing and wingfoil courses and trips


You are a surf teacher or have a surfcamp : fill in this 500 words form to say you are good, your surfcamp is great, join us… Ideally, we want them to take individuals, couples and families… from beginners to intermediate, or advanced level.

You have created your Surf Camp but the bookings are not there? Are you a surf teacher looking to increase your turnover? Or are you a surf school looking to attract new surfers?

Fill the form here :


You are on the right page!  By joining the Ocean Adventure family you will be able to increase your turnover without extra work, increase your bookings without investment and attract new customers without stress!

Because, by working with Ocean Adventure, you ensure a regular clientele during the high seasons but also in low seasons, it is to ensure bookings in your Surf Camp even if your accommodation is not on the sea front. With Ocean Adventure, your bookings are managed by professionals who know how to direct clients to the right Surf Camp, the right number of lessons to take…

Joining Ocean Adventure is also and above all joining a family of passionate surfers. And yes, surfing is sacred to us and we only work with partners who are as committed as we are, who are willing to share their passion, to make a living out of their passion while respecting the spirit of surfing.

Joining Ocean Adventure also means joining a community of experienced teachers and former surf professionals.

Being part of the Ocean Adventure network means never being alone, being able to share with other schools, other surf camps your problems but also and above all good ideas and good practices.

But beyond our passion for surfing, our credo is also and above all to help you improve the management and organisation of your surf camp, to help you develop services that will make each stay with you, each surfing lesson an exceptional moment!

Our clients come from all walks of life, they can be experienced surfers or beginners, travelling alone or with their family. Whatever their profile, our aim is to offer each client an experience they will not forget, a unique moment of sharing and learning that will make them want to do it again and recommend us (you).

To sum up, choosing to work with Ocean Adventure is :

– To be able to earn a living by practising one’s passion (giving surfing lessons, hosting and sharing accommodation)

– Join a family of enthusiasts, united by surfing

– Increase your turnover with little or no investment

– Become a member of a network of committed, environmentally friendly professionals with the same mindset and the same desire to share their passion

– To have advice on how to improve, to offer quality courses, services and stays

– Benefit from an attractive and efficient booking site

Not yet convinced? Here are some results that should convince you:

Between May and September 2021:

– Two new Surf Camp partners have achieved between €10,000 and €50,000 in turnover each, even though these partners are more than 25 minutes from the coast!

– Over this period, Ocean Adventure sold over €200,000 worth of surf lessons (and €400K over a year)

So, if you too want to see your turnover take off, fill in the form below without further delay! In 500 words, tell us why you want to join us, what your experience and qualities are. We will get back to you very quickly!

Partner Ocean Adventure
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